If you are a blackjack player and you are interested in improving your odds of winning, consider trying out a counting card blackjack system. This type of strategy is a great way to increase your accuracy and speed by eliminating the need to count every high and low card. There are several different ways to use this technique.

Hi-Lo system

The Hi-Lo system in counting cards blackjack is a simple counting method that eliminates the need to memorize the number of cards in the discard tray. This method is relatively easy to apply and is effective for both new and experienced players. It works by starting with a running count of eight decks plus the first five dealt cards. After all cards are counted, the running count becomes seven and a half.

This system is a level one card counting system. It is easy to learn and is based on the famous card counting principle of assigning different point values to the different cards. The cards from two to six are assigned a plus one value and those from seven to nine are assigned a zero value. This system will increase your bets if you have a high positive or low value in your hand.

Uston Advanced Plus/Minus system

The Uston Advanced Plus/Minus system for the counting of cards in the blackjack game is a very useful tool to help you improve your odds of winning at blackjack. This method is similar to Hi-Lo counting, except that you only need to keep track of the plus and minus numbers.

This system is easy to use, but you will need to practice. You can practice using a single deck of cards at home. To get a feel for the system, assign a value to each card. Then, you can practice the system on the shuffled deck.

KO Counting System

KO Counting System for blackjack game is a card counting strategy. It uses a heuristic approach to estimate the proportion of high cards to low cards in a deck. As a result, decks that have a higher percentage of 10s and aces will be more profitable.

This system is similar to Hi-Lo, but includes an insurance side bet against the dealer’s blackjack bet. It counts cards two to seven as +1, eight to nine as neutral, and aces through ten as -1. After the first seven, players should raise their stakes and increase the insurance side bet.

Ignoring the ace to yield higher PE

In a blackjack game, you can try ignoring the ace to increase your PE. This method is called a side count. By ignoring the ace, you can detect additional changes in the EV and spot additional betting opportunities. In addition, you can also ignore the seven, eight, and nine when you are counting cards.

Benefits of counting cards in blackjack

Counting cards in blackjack can be a great way to increase your odds of winning. Because the house edge in this casino game is essentially zero, you can break even with optimal strategies. In addition to this, you can increase your chances of getting a blackjack by making sure that you keep a separate count for Aces.

The most basic benefit of card counting is that you can bet more when you see high cards than low cards. This means that your chances of hitting a blackjack are higher than normal. You can also benefit from double down and split bets by using a high count.